Whether you have a lot of time to give, or a little, our students need you! If you believe that every child deserves a chance to succeed, and that barriers are no match for a committed community of support, check out our volunteer options at SparkWheel!
One-Time Involvement
One-time volunteers participate in events that only occur during one day. Volunteer work could be just a couple of hours to the full day depending on the event. Examples include resource fairs, career fairs, college exploration days, school carnivals/events, parent-teacher conferences, cultural fairs, community service days, public speaking and so much more.
Episodic Involvement
Episodic volunteers give their time when they can throughout the school year by volunteering at various one-day events.
Ongoing Involvement
Ongoing volunteers commit to a term of service with the organization. Service terms also vary in length of commitment based on the volunteer role. Examples include tutoring, mentoring, facilitator of groups, presenters, and more.
Where are volunteers needed?
Enter your zip code below to find the nearest SparkWheel site.

Community partners

Volunteer hours

Students served

Communities served

Programs in schools

How do I apply to be a volunteer with SparkWheel?For information on how to volunteer with SparkWheel, email: volunteer@sparkwheel.org
What schools does SparkWheel serve? Is SparkWheel in my community?You can find the full list of schools and communities that we are working in HERE.
Who do I contact if I have issues with my SparkWheel volunteer supervisor?If you are having trouble communicating with your direct SparkWheel supervisor (Student Support Coordinator), please reach out to Sophie Archuleta, Director of Special Programs, at sophie.archuleta@sparkwheel.org
Do I need to go through a background check process to volunteer with the organization?The safety of our students is of the utmost importance at SparkWheel. Volunteers who take on roles that will give them one-to-one or continual access to students must go through our background check process. This includes a detailed volunteer application, screening interview, Child Abuse and Neglect Registry checks, State Background Checks, and the National Sex Offenders Public Registry checks.
Can I volunteer in more than one school in my community?Absolutely!
Can corporate groups volunteer?Yes! There are opportunities where groups can volunteer. These events vary from school to school, so be sure to contact your Student Support Coordinator to find these opportunities.
Can my family volunteer?Yes! There are opportunities where the whole family can join! These events vary from school to school, so be sure to contact your Student Support Coordinator to find these opportunities.
Who do I contact if I cannot make it to my volunteer shift?Your SparkWheel volunteer supervisor is your first line of contact. This person is usually a Student Support Coordinator working within the school.
What other ways can I give to the organization?There are plenty of ways in which you can support students through SparkWheel. In addition to the multiple volunteer opportunities, we also accept monetary and in-kind donations. To make a monetary donation, simply click DONATE on our page. To make an in-kind donation, please contact your local Student Support Coordinator to find out what items they need.