Future Preparation
About our Future Preparation
SparkWheel helps students learn to connect the dots between education and their future. Through activities like career fairs, FutureNow: Finance, Post-Secondary Support Program, and mock interviews, our Student Support Coordinators enable students to make informed decisions about their future, explore career pathways, and be well-prepared to pursue their aspirations.
ACT/SAT Preparation
Career Fair
College Application Assistance
Day on the Job Events
FAFSA Assistance
FutureNow: Finance
Job Shadowing
Job Skills Training/Workshops
Mock Interviews
Post-Secondary Support Program
Resume Writing Assistance
Scholarship Assistance
STEM Group
of Seniors receiving indivdiualized services during 2023-2024 graduated

See This Support In Action

Success Story
When one of our Student Support Coordinators (SSCs) asked a group of students about their plans after high school she was surprised when all of them replied, "I don't know yet!"
She spoke to the group, explained her role with SparkWheel, and asked if they wanted more assistance with college preparation. She informed the students about all the college prep events taking place in the school.
Additionally, the SSC partnered with the College Adviser at the high school and set each student up with a college or technical school tour and FASFA enrollment assistance.
Students and the SSC gather quarterly for a lunch meeting to discuss their post-graduate plans and to answer any questions they may have had.
Eight students have already submitted their applications for college admission, and a few have asked for further assistance with FASFA.
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